Pentru cineva care a citit titlurile de mai sus, „romanul” lui Jay Parini nu aduce aproape nimic nou. Nu mai pun la socoteală biografiile știute: Henri Troyat, Viktor Șklovski, Pavel Basinski ( Fuga din rai acoperă cam același subiect).

Sofia Andreevna (soția scriitorului) a ținut un jurnal minuțios (voi cita mai jos un fragment): însemnările din anul 1910 sînt destul de consistente. Certkov nu s-a lăsat mai prejos și a scris un articol despre Ultimele zile ale lui Tolstoi. Valentin Bulgakov (apare în roman ca unul dintre naratori) a redactat o carte cu titlul Ultimul an din viața lui Tolstoi. Numai cine n-a vrut n-a scris despre viața lui Tolstoi: fii, fiice, nepoți, prieteni, admiratori, adversari etc. Jay Parini a avut la dispoziție un materialul imens. Între capitole, autorul transcrie fragmente din scrierile lui Tolstoi. Evenimentele sînt prezentate de cinci naratori: Sofia Andreevna (soția lui Lev Nikolaevici), Sașa (fiica lor cea mai mică), Bulgakov (secretar), doctorul Makovițki (medicul de familie), Certkov (prieten al lui Lev Nikolaevici, editor al operelor sale, șeful „clanului” tolstoist). The Final Station has not been rated by our users yet.O „ficțiune biografică” despre ultimul an (1910) din viața lui Tolstoi. The Final Station runs on the following operating systems: Windows. It was initially added to our database on. The latest version of The Final Station is currently unknown. It was checked for updates 31 times by the users of our client application UpdateStar during the last month. The Final Station is a Shareware software in the category Miscellaneous developed by Oleg Sergeev. Praised for its storytelling and engaging gameplay.Combat and resource management mechanics.

The game challenges players to balance multiple tasks while immersing them in a world rife with danger and uncertainty. The Final Station has been praised for its atmospheric storytelling and engaging gameplay mechanics. These characters have their own stories and dilemmas that players must help them navigate through. In addition to combat and resource management, players must also interact with the survivors they pick up along the way. The ultimate goal is to reach the final destination, where survivors are waiting to be rescued. The game is played in a side-scrolling format, with players moving their train along the track while fighting off various enemies and collecting resources along the way. In this game, players take on the role of a train conductor in a world that has been devastated by a mysterious energy wave. The Final Station is a post-apocalyptic adventure game developed by Oleg Sergeev.